Message from the Team
Dear Valued Parents and Clients,
Our commitment remains steadfast – to assist our students in reaching their fullest potential. We are dedicated to continually enhancing our services, aspiring to be recognised as one of the best tutoring centres in the Hills area.
Thank you for your unwavering support and love; it fuels our passion for nurturing the growth and success of every student.
Warm regards,
Hanwoori Team 🥰
Exciting News for 2024! More Saturday Group Classes! 🙌
Why Group Classes?
Save 20-30% compared to private lessons.
Enjoy a positive, competitive environment to boost motivation in learning.
Small classes with no more than 4 students at similar levels or stages.
Hanwoori Power Course
Discover personalised self-study techniques and receive guidance on effective learning by Miss Esther Kim (USYD, UNSW)
Saturdays are perfect day to concentrate on maths.
We cover 1-2 topics per term intensively.
No more than 4 students in a class with similar levels.
Study with passionate tutors!
Self-Study Space
Struggling to study at home?
Lack study resources or books? Come to our Study Space, where you can get your work done under supervision!
Open from 3 PM to 9 PM. (coming soon)
Want to write well and improve vocabulary? We aim to boost your confidence in writing various writing types but mainly on creative/persuasive and discursive writings.
Join our worskhops today!
Private Tutoring Services
We provide 1:1 tutoring for Kindy to Year 12 in English and Maths. Featuring tailored curriculum and teaching approach to maximise learning.
*strictly limited spots
Language & Music Lessons
We have Korean & Japanese langauge classes along with music classes (piano/ drum).